
Wyszukiwanie w Austriackim Rejestrze Handlowym

Oficjalne, austriackie wyciągi z rejestru handlowego z danymi dotyczącymi dyrektorów zarządzających i wspólników.


Werner Max Müller

Company Number: 9110002443543



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Questions about the documents?

Company Extracts

Includes all the details in a Current Company Extract plus any historic prior details relevant to the type of organisation. The document will be delivered to you as PDF and in German. A Google Translate document translation free of charge on request.
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Annual Accounts

In addition to the balance sheet, the profit and loss account is part of the annual financial statements. A profit and loss account is not always mandatory. Several factors play a role here, such as the form of the company, capital etc., according to which the company is obliged to publish information under § 221 UGB. According to the law, a small GmbH only has to submit an abbreviated balance sheet and a short appendix. A profit and loss account is not submitted in this case.
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